What daily choices move your toward your happiness?
What are actively doing to create the life you want? Are you making conscious decisions to live your best life possible? Are you following through with these decisions (big step 😀 ) When the obstacles arrive (and they always arrive), what are you doing with them? Obstacles can be perceived outside judgments, not 'feeling' like it, perceived lack of time, lack of resources, the list goes on, mostly in my experience of listening to obstacles they sound very similar to excuses. Do you stop or do you keep going? Do you shake off the obstacle, climb over it, go around it, modify it? So what are you actively doing daily to create the life you want? What ideas and actions do you have lined up to support you when the obstacles show up? How will you manage them? Become active in your life, and your choices. When you choose, remember why you made the choice in the first place, this may be helpful when the obstacle shows up. Choices are usually made to either mov...